Jeevan Nirvrthi

This liability plan is exclusively designed for members who prefer to get an assured return back from the Society for a long period based on the regular deposits they make to the Society.

In this product member would be paying any amount from 1000/- monthly to the Society for 84 months from the 85th month onwards Society will be paying back 110% till the death of the member. This is a scheme that ensures continuity of income over a long period of time and is virtually a pension plan.

In case the member opts to withdraw from the plan of taking monthly returns after paying 84 months, Society will be paying back to the member 100 times the first installment amount and then the plan will be closed.

Member can withdraw from the plan any time after the 84th month based on his/her choice on either avail monthly benefits or take one-time returns at the time period at the choice of the member one month after 84-month payments.



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